After several misses from earlier snow storms, we finally got one!!! Tanner and I watched the snow out the window for the longest time. Everytime I would sing, "let it snow," he would grin and point outside. Once we had a little on the ground, we bundled him up and took him outside. And, yes, he has several pairs of gloves, but refuses to wear them. :)
He loved wandering around our yard and playing in the snow. Once he had a snowball in his hand, that was even better...snack time! :)
Everything was good until we brought him inside. He cried big tears for about half an hour! :( Poor little guy...
Friday, February 12, 2010
February 12, 2010...SNOW!!!
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
February 3, 2010...My First Day of Preschool!!!
I CANNOT BELIEVE Tanner is old enough for preschool! The past 16 months have absolutely flown by.
He started today at a preschool most of our friends children go to. He goes Tuesday-Thursday from 9am-1pm. It is very structured, which Tanner actually really likes. They do art everyday (today he painted, used glitter and glued hearts on his artwork) and go to the gym to play twice a day. His teachers think it is hilarious how he plays basketball all the time. :)
He went right into his class this morning like it was nothing new. He smiles and giggles everytime I ask him if he wants to go to school. :) I am so glad he loves it so much already.
Enjoy the pics...
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 6:24 PM 0 comments
My First OREO!!!
This was a fun day! Tanner had his first Oreo...I know, seems a little late, but Tanner and a lot of sugar can be an interesting situation! :) As you can see from the pictures, he LOVED it! The cookie sort of doubled as finger paint. He's a creative little guy. :)
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Catching up since October...such a SLACKER!!! I a slack blogger or what?!?!? Hopefully, you will understand why I have been so absent when (fingers crossed:)) my new photography website goes live this Friday. It's been a LONG time coming. But, back to what matters to me the most...Mr. Tanner.
Here's what he's been up to lately... So, I'm totally in LOVE with this image. This is one I took to use for Christmas gifts.
Love it...I have to get REALLY far away from him to get this kind of shot.
With his cousin, Savannah
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 2:06 PM 1 comments