I a slack blogger or what?!?!? Hopefully, you will understand why I have been so absent when (fingers crossed:)) my new photography website goes live this Friday. It's been a LONG time coming. But, back to what matters to me the most...Mr. Tanner.
Here's what he's been up to lately...
So, I'm totally in LOVE with this image. This is one I took to use for Christmas gifts.
Love it...I have to get REALLY far away from him to get this kind of shot.
He does this all the time and I think it is precious. It's his "I don't know" sign. :) I had just asked, "Tanner, where is Mommy?"
Found her!
He was more interested in the traffic on the highway than my photo session...figures.
Sweet boy
This will soooo be a 16x20 over our mantle. Love it.
The Owens grandkids. It was no small feat getting decent shots of these three! :) Busy bodies!
I just think this one is so sweet.
He adores his big cousin, Alex. Can you tell?
Little man!
He is happy boy! Look at ALL those teeth!
What's over there?
Aren't they precious?
LOVE IT!!! This was Ninny and Poppy's Christmas gift and they loved it.

Getting ready to head to Chuck E Cheese for the first time and check out some Christmas lights. Of course, with sippy cup in hand. He drinks SO much.

The big reveal. Can't believe we kept all the pics a secret from Gigi and Papa for so long.

Yeah, the bib lasted all of about 2 seconds. :)

Santa's little helper :)

This is our new camera face. Not sure where it came from but I think it is adorable!

It was so cold! We were on our way to see Santa! He loved it!

Don't worry, we were just driving through Roper Mountain Lights (off road)...of course, he still thinks he shouldn't have to sit in a carseat now. :)

Christmas Eve breakfast with my dad's family

He really got into the gifts this year.

So sweet!

With Gigi and Papa

With all of his cousins...there are many!

With his cousin, Katrina. He loves her.

With my cousin, Sherry, her daugher, Reagan, and my Grandma Ruby (my dad's mom)

One of my favorite pics ever. Love that sweet smile. He is determined to get my camera.

A new puzzle! He loves puzzles.

Everyone opening their pictures! Yay!

So wild...

Look at those sleepy eyes!!! This was right after he woke up on Christmas morning.

"Boogie, look what Santa left me!!!!"

Already taking notes from Mommy...he is talking on his Elmo cell phone and driving. :)

So focused.

Such a boy. Never leave home without your football.

"Hey, ya'll!" (That was just for you, Jason! ;))

He just realized Dabo (our Elf on the Shelf...named after, who else, Clemson's head football coach) was in the fireplace.

Love him so much!

We've trained him well...he had to sit down and "read" this new book immediately. :)

This was the year of Elmo. He loves him.

So, so precious.

He got a new toothbrush in his stocking...figured he would use it right away.

Mommy finally got in a picture!

My little kissin' boy.

Christmas morning. Breakfast at Ninny and Poppy's. Ninny made a birthday cake for Jesus. :) Tanner threw a football at it. Seriously. :)

Tanner and his Ninny

Playing with Poppy

The long awaited Elmo chair! He has cried for this in Toys R Us several times! :) I think he likes it.

Playing with Papa and Poppy

Will he EVER stop eating his crayons???

Or his clothes hangers????

Fish face again :)

He really ripped into some of them.

My daddy loved his Papa's boy tee shirt.

With his cousin, Savannah

Playing cowboys with Zachary

With Savannah

Isn't that the SWEETEST little cowboy ever???

Christmas night...time for Dabo to go home to the North Pole until next year. :(

It was well into January, but we finally celebrated Christmas with Addisen and her family. She loves that Tanner!

He was doing some serious kissing!!! :) So funny!

It is unreal how much these two are alike! When they are playing and can't tell who is who! :)

So sweet!!!


I love this one!

At his friend, George's, birthday party.

With George's Papa....Tanner LOVES him! I think he likes Tanner a little bit, too. :)

With Heather

Tanner riding a horse (or, as George calls it, a neigh)!!! He was very serious the whole time, but he seemed to like it!

My little cowboy!

Petting Chessy after his ride. He and Brad (George's daddy) were closer than ever after this ride! :)

With George's mommy, Hilery

Happy 2nd birthday, George! This is one of Tanner's very best friends. I love this expression!

Make a wish!

Mady always gets to "hold" Tanner during group pictures! :) I wonder how much longer that's gonna work? :) She loves him so much.

The crew at G's party