Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tanner's Doctor's Appointment
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 5:27 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tanner's First Doctor's Appointment is Today
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 3:31 PM 4 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
What's happening in CA today?
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 4:52 PM 3 comments
Long awaited pictures :)
Right after delivery, with Amber's mom, Connie
That's our baby!
Amber and Tanner
He really liked the bath, I promise! :)
Our favorite baby nurse, Carol...doesn't she look like Jamie's mom?
Hanging out in the nurseryTanner and his daddy.
Soren, Eric and Connie
My boys :)
In his first Saturday football attire...although it wasn't that great a day for football.
Can you tell we are tired?!?!? :)
Amber and Tanner Kathleen, Amber's grandma, and Tanner
Tanner with Jason's parents(Darvin and Janice)...and the elephant they brought him...SO sweet! Great people. Headed home...to the Hampton! :)
Home with mama
Home with daddy
In his wonderful travel bed :)
Thanks for being so patient, guys! We didn't have internet access at the hospital, but...I can post pics now because Tanner was discharged from the hospital this evening!!! We brought him home (to the Hampton Inn!:)) around 8pm. He is doing great. He is cozy in his travel bed (courtesy of Uncle Josh), sucking on his pacifier. :) He is precious and we are just having the best time with him. He is fabulous.
Travis just finished his first midnight feeding and did a great job! We are going to try and get some sleep!
Love you guys!
Becki and Travis
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 1:44 AM 3 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tanner James Owens
Is the cutest baby ever! He was born @ 12:57pm (pc) and weighed 6 lbs 9.5 oz and was 19 inches long. He has a beautiful little round face and a head full of black hair. He is perfect. Just perfect.
Amber is doing very well. We were able to spend most of the day with her and it was awesome. Her family has been great to us. Jason's family was also wonderful.
We are just leaving the hospital and heading to the hotel for some rest. We will be back first thing tomorrow morning.
Lots of love!
Becki, Travis and Tanner
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 1:52 AM 5 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hanging out in the waiting room...
We are here @ the hospital. Amber is in the room being prepped. We are so excited and anxious. Please pray that Amber will have an smooth delivery and surgery.
We will post more soon...
Becki and Travis
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 2:47 PM 3 comments
Amber is amazing...
We finally got to meet Amber tonight and it was just amazing. She is the cutest thing! We went to dinner with Amber, her boyfriend, Jason (who we LOVE!!! - he is hilarious), and son, Andrew. I had the best time talking to Andrew. He is so smart and cute as can be. He and Savannah were born on the same day. :) It was great to finally get to meet Amber in person. We are just sooooooo thankful for her and just can't tell you what a pleasure it has been getting to know her. She is just terrific.
Our last picture as a family of three...

First morning (well, really afternoon:)), in California...we look ROUGH!!!

Andrew...striking a pose :) Isn't he adorable?!?!

Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 12:18 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Sunny California
Hey guys! We just woke up! Yes, it is 4pm here, but don't judge us...we were up for about 24 hours yesterday! :) The hotel is great and we definitely got a lot of great sleep once we arrived. We are so excited because we get to meet Amber today. We also get to meet Andrew and Jason which is awesome! We are thrilled. Amber and I share a love for Outback so dinner will be great! :)
We hope to have some great pictures to post tonight. Yay!
Our son will be here tomorrow...can you believe it?!?!
Much love and so many thanks!
Becki and Travis
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 7:04 PM 1 comments
We have landed in California
...And are on the road to Redding. Still can't believe it's happening!
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 3:40 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
We are in Minnesota
Good evening! We have completed the 1st leg of our trip and have landed in the twin cities. We actually had a minute to sit down and eat! ;) We are waiting for our next flight which leaves @ 925 local, 1025 home time. :) we should arrive in Sacramento around 11pm and then will drive on the 2hrs to Redding. It will be a long night but so worth it!
Keep praying!
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 9:23 PM 0 comments
We just got the call from Amber and Tanner is coming this Friday!!! We are beyond excited and so thankful that this time has finally come!!! The c-section is scheduled for Friday at noon (that will be 3pm for you guys). We are headed to Charlotte now. Our flight leaves today at 5:45pm. We hope to get to meet Amber tomorrow. She is doing great!
I will post more when I know more!
Keep praying and lots of love!
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 2:12 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Good evening, guys. Please say a little prayer for us tomorrow. There is so much planning that goes into the logisitics of every day that we might be heading to CA...it causes me a great deal of anxiety. :) Just pray that I won't be overly-anxious tomorrow! :) Also, please pray that Amber's health continues to improve and that she feels good as she finishes out this pregnancy. She is SUCH a trooper. And, of course, say a prayer for our little man...that he is happy and healthy.
We appreciate you all SO much! I hope to post an update around 1pm tomorrow.
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
No go...
Amber had her appointment this afternoon. Her blood pressure had gone down a little, so they are having her come back in on Wednesday morning at 9am (noon our time) to check her again. At this point, I have NO idea when Tanner might arrive. She said she noticed that her feet and hands were a little less swollen at the doctor's office, but by the time I talked to her, they were swelling again. So, who knows! I just can't believe they haven't induced her. At this point, I am nervous that she will actually go into labor and we will not be able to get there in time for the delivery. One thing is for sure, it is in God's hands. I will post again when I know more. Keep praying!!!
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 6:08 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday's doctor appointment...
has come and gone. :( Amber's blood pressure was even higher today (150/108) and the blood tests revealed that there is protein in her urine. I don't even know how she is doing this! :) She is an amazing, amazing lady. The doctor told her to try and make it through the weekend, but to head to the hospital if she started feeling like she might pass out (sounds safe, right?:)). He is bringing her back in on Monday at 11:50am her time. He wants to re-evaluate then and see if he can get her through next week. Amber said he is on call Monday anyway, so she wouldn't be surprised if he is thinking he will be at the hospital on Monday anyway. So, maybe they will decide to do something on Monday. Fingers crossed! :) Amber has a great attitude and says it's "not that bad." She is awesome.
So, again, we wait. Our wonderful travel agent (love you, Bobbie!) researches flights everyday so we have some sort of revolving game plan! We can leave out of Charlotte as late as 6:55pm on Monday if we have to...nothing like pushing it, right?!?!?
Keep praying. We are so ready for this little boy to make his debute! :)
Becki :)
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 4:41 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
More baby shower pics...
Hope you enjoyed taking a peek into the happenings of the baby showers. I still have to post pics from our Couples Shower hosted by Dan and Nicole Bracken. I cannot explain how much we appreciate everyone who attended our showers. They were a great experience and a tremendous blessing. Finances are tight and it has been such a blessing to receive all the many, many things we need for baby Tanner's arrival. Everyone has been great!!! We love you and appreciate you more than you know!
Love, Becki
Posted by Becki J. Owens Photography at 9:47 PM 1 comments