Monday, September 29, 2008

Tanner's First Doctor's Appointment is Today

Hey everybody! We had more of an eventful night last night...well, I should say Travis had more of an eventful night...I sort of passed out last night when my head hit the pillow! Travis caught a nap yesterday, I didn't, so he was on baby duty until about 3am. Tanner was a little fussy last night, but still so much easier than we had imagined. He is just such a good baby.

We had breakfast with Amber and Jason this morning. We have the best time with them. Jason and Travis keep us cracking up all the time! :) Amber is good, but sore.

Tanner's first doctor's appointment is this afternoon at 3pm. We are looking forward to seeing how much he weighs now. I will post again tonight.

Thanks again for your continued prayers. We miss you guys!


Becki, Travis and Tanner


Carolyn Louise said...

Sitting up already!!!! Carolyn

Nicole & Dan's Bunch said...

oh yall!!! He is definitely sweet enough to eat!!! I know I'm starting to sound a bit like Candy. Sounds like you guys are starting to get the hang of things. Travis, I'm proud of you for taking night shift! What a good Daddy! Take care of that little angel.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Becki, I am so happy for you and Travis. I know you've prayed and waited for this for a very long time. I can't wait to hold him. I know your Mama is about to "bust"!! Emily and Amber have "oohed" and "ahhed" over all the pictures!! Take care and have a safe trip home, Terry

Brandi Riddle said...


He is the CUTEST thing ever! How does it feel to be a mommy? Again, I wish you all the best and many congrats!
