Tanner and his big brother, Andrew...could they be any cuter?!?!?
Today was fun. Tanner has been happy and very pleasant all day long. He has just been cozy and sleeping tonight. We took him downstairs to eat breakfast for the first time today. He slept through it. :) We went to Marie Callenders for lunch (yes, like the wonderful pies you buy in the freezer section) and it was AWESOME!!! I could have eaten just about anything on that menu. We had the best potato skins I've ever tasted. Travis went out on a limb and had...chicken fingers. :) I had pot roast and it was great. And, I have an entire (don't judge me!:)) lemon cream cheese pie in the fridge. I am about to dig in!!!
After lunch, we met Amber and Andrew at the Sundial Bridge (the bridge is actually a fully functioning sundial on one day out of each year). It was really cool. It is over the Sacremento River, so there were lots of neat things to see. The best thing was that Tanner got to meet his big brother, Andrew. He is the cutest thing and he is so smart! I love his vocabulary...he is adorable and has the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen. He really is a great kid.
It was hard telling Amber goodbye. I actually ended up telling her goodbye twice and I was very emotional and crying after each one. I don't know how to explain it, it was just hard.
We are moving on to Pacifica, CA tomorrow morning. Our WONDERFUL travel agent, Bobbie Burgess, found a great hotel on the beach for us. It will be nice to see the coast. We will be in the San Franciso Bay area, so there will be lots to see. This will also put us closer to Sacremento when we fly home on...
We will be leaving CA at 6:30am and arriving in Atlanta around 2pm. It is direct flight (again, we have the best agent!), so we will only have to go up and down with Tanner once. :) This also prevents having to run through a huge airport with him. ;) We will be back at home on Tuesday afternoon and we are so excited to see everyone. It will be a brand new schedule, we are sure, but it will be great for Tanner to meet everyone and see his home...he will be shocked, I'm sure, that he doesn't have a hotel staff to greet him every morning! :) And maybe now he'll understand why mommy and daddy talk so funny (sometimes it feels like we are speaking a different language out here!:))!!! :)
So, I'm off to bed to get rested for the drive tomorrow morning. I will be posting pics from the coast before you know it.
CA Love (yes, I said it),
Becki, Travis and Tanner
I'm so happyyyyyyyyy for you all!!
How Sweet!!! He is sooooo cute! I love his dark hair! You guys are truly blessed and I can't wait to meet Tanner in person! Have a good trip in Pacifica!
Tanner is ADORABLE!!
I know that it takes getting used to, but you and Travis look like pros who can handle it all.
I was correct in my assumption that GOD chose the best parents for such a blessing as Tanner.
I will be praying for a safe return home and that this will be a time Tanner really sleeps through it all-babies tend to have rough times on long trips.
I am keeping you all in my prayers! Be safe and love that little man well!
Love you,
Christy Lawless
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