First time meeting David and Lynn (even though they cruised without us:().

With my sweet, sweet girl Savannah

Lynn is in love :)

Getting ready to leave for Tanner's first service at Marathon

Boogie had to get in this one...with his rock star brother :)

Four generations, my Grandma McCombs, mom, me and Tanner

Grandma McCombs first time holding Tanner

Her first look at him! She was soooo excited!

My Grandma Ruby, Tanner and daddy

Tanner with his big cousin, Brandy

With Grandma Ruby

My buddy, Cyndy, practicing with Tanner (she's due in March!!! yay!!!)

My cousin, Tammy, and her daughter, Trina, meeting baby Tanner

Boogie loves using Tanner's bottom for a pillow (especially when Tanner is laying with mommy:))

With my boys...

Tanner's first trip to Foothills Peds

With Dr. Wilson...we LOVE him!

Grandpa with his first "grandchild"

Tanner and Poppy

Tanner (striking a pose) with Marcie (one of his many, many girlfriends)

With Poppy and Ninny

Tanner with my uncle, Mike

Tanner's first bath in SC
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