With my uncle Paul
I love my grandpa
Okay...so I've not be so great with keeping the blog up to date, but I promise I am trying! :) Tanner is doing very well. He is growing like a weed, already up to 13 lbs, 1 oz since he was born! He is so chunky! :) He is really filling out and I just can't tell you how cute he is. He has a ton of personality...always wants to be held by someone who is standing up so he can look around and see everything. He is "talking" more and more everyday and he actually says "Gigi," which my mom LOVES. :) He loves to kick, listen to me read and stare at Boogie. He does NOT like to sleep. He sleeps very, very little...he continues to amaze me with that. :) He is quickly approaching his 12 week mark (this Friday)...where has the time gone?!?!?
I hope you enjoy these new pics.
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