With his buddy, Parker, at his first birthday party
His favorite toy at 4 months, his exersaucer
Wearing Dimitri's hat
So...I've not done the best job of updating the blog, but I am trying to do better. If you are on Facebook, I update that constantly (I am sort of addicted!:)).
We are still LOVING being mommy and daddy to the best little boy in the world. Tanner is just so much fun. He is 5 months old now and weighs 17 lbs...he is big boy! :) He is just growing so, so fast. He loves to play and smiles and laughs all the time. He LOVES being outside and his Papa comes over and walks him around the yard almost every evening. He has experienced his first snow now and he thought that was so much fun. We even let him get a handful of it and he thought that was pretty neat.
Tanner's finalization hearing is this Thursday, March 12 and we are so excited. It is an important day and one I know we will celebrate for years to come. I still think about Amber daily and what an AMAZING gift she has given us. I miss her a lot and hope to get to visit her in the near future. I cannot explain the kind of bond that you feel with the birth mom as the adoptive mom...it is just so awesome how God connects all these lives through adoption.
So, we are doing well and enjoying every minute of it. Thank you for continuing to follow our story and I promise to keep updating...when I remember. :)
Becki, Travis and Tanner
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