Gigi getting Tanner dressed and ready for his big day!

We started the day at, where else, IHOP!

Ninny joined us for some pancakes!

"I want that!"

Getting a lift from daddy.

Tanner's very first Funny Face from IHOP. He loved it!

Tanner with "Aunt" Diane. Even though she had on such an ugly, ugly shirt (we are not Gamecock people), we let her be in a picture anyway. :) She loves Tanner so much and has been very good to him.

Look at that pretty girl playing in the tunnel. Miss Abbi.

Tanner making his rounds.

Poppy and his babies. Tanner is super attached to his Poppy. He didn't let him get out of his sight all day. Isn't Abbi's hair beautiful?

One of the kids tables. Abbi, Mady, Savannah and Nathaniel

Ames and the world's best babysitter (AKA Tanner's girlfriend), Amanda

Me and Tanner's sister, Addisen. She came right to me this time! She is just the cutest thing ever and we love her to pieces! She was dressed as a Clemson cheerleader!

Sweet little (well, not so little:)) Cooper. He is just a doll.

This was precious. We were getting ready to take a group pic and Tanner leaned in to love on Addisen. It was PRECIOUS!!!

With the Crawfords, Paige, Kerry, and Addisen. We love these guys and are SO BLESSED to have them in our lives.

Our buddies, Mark, Chrissy and Parker Corn. Parker is our Godson and we love him so much. He is a cutie!

Tanner's bestest buddy, George.

George and his mommy, Hilery.

This is my best friend Julie's daughter, Miss Maddie.

There was NO hesitation when it was time for the cake. He was all IN.

Yes, he is karate-chopping the cake. :)

He was so happy about that little cake.

Yeah, I got a little too close. Apparently, trashing his own face wasn't enough. :)

Fun times

...and then we moved on to balloons.

Crystal, Savannah and Aunt Eloise

One can only guess what these three are talking about. :) Alison, Beth and Ana Grace

Ames is getting to be such a big boy!

Bobby and Zachary...he had on the cutest overalls ever.

YES!!! Tanner got his first official Clemson jersey!!! So exciting!

Travis and our nephew, Alex

You've gotta love that belly! Once he opened the jersey, we had to strip him down and put it on him!


One of his favorite parts of the day was playing with the tissue paper.

Reagan...looks more like her mommy every day!

Papa with his sister, Barbara, and his mom (Tanner's Great Grandma Ruby)

Beth, Nicole, baby Ella and Aunt Candi

Cole and Jilli

Tanner playing with Addisen. So sweet.

Yep, he is sort of sitting on her here.

I swooped Parker up on one of his many laps...this kid MOVES. :)

Ninny, Lauren, baby Aubrey (she is precious!) and Aunt Wanda

The Watts...Mike, Cooper and Cyndy

Well, Travis cut my head off, but that's ok! :) This is me and Addisen reading a book. She loves books.

Papa trying (unsuccessfully) to get Tanner to actually look at the camera. Can you say "overstimulation"?

Girl power...Mady and Abbi.

Nicole, Ella and Jilli Bracken

This is half a second after Tanner popped himself in the face with the elastic on his party hat...

and this is immediately after he realized what he'd done. :) Poor baby. Needless to say, he didn't put the hat back on.

Sweet Clemson babies!

Not that I encourage this bad behavior, but I had to snap a pic of him pulling her pigtail while I told him to stop.

They are just too cute.
What an exciting day!!! Tanner had a wonderful 1st birthday party with lots of friends and family. He had a Mickey Mouse themed party (there are few things he loves more than Mickey Mouse). All of his little buddies were there and he just had the BEST time. He got so many new toys, books and outfits (our house looks like a Toys R Us tornado hit it!)...and he even got his very 1st Clemson jersery (thanks Jules). He loved his cake (this was his second helping...see his birthday photo session for the first) and was quite content to sit in his high chair and eat it for quite a long time. He buzzed around the party, never looking for me or Travis, and was very independent...he just visited with everyone and did his own thing! :)
Thanks to everyone who joined us for his birthday. You were very generous with your time and with your gifts. It has been like Christmas at our house and Tanner is loving it. He has just played and played!
It has NOT escaped our memories for a moment how very blessed we are to have Tanner in our lives. We are so thankful for him and for Amber. She chose us to be his parents and we will always be grateful for that.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Travis, Becki and Tanner
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