Tanner looks that much shorter standing beside his daddy!

When he is biting that lower lip, you know he is really thinking about something.

Before we knew it, hay right in the mouth...

...which he thought was hilarious.

He really isn't angry here, he is squinting! We forgot sunglasses! :) It was really cloudy when we left our house.

He LOVED this. He waved at everyone and clapped for himself.

Yay me!!!

Pat the pumpkin.

He is just too cute.

Bored with the photo op already.

Ready for his 1st hay ride!!!

...and his 1st hay fight, apparently.

He liked being pulled around by the tractor, but wanted to run around in the tractor bed.

We just couldn't keep the hay out of his mouth...what's new.

So, his eyes are closed and his is making a crazy face, but you get the idea. At least he was pointing at the pumpkins! It was such a pretty day!

Tanner and Mommy in the pumpkin patch. Ready to pick our pumpkins!!!

Tanner found his first. Once we pulled it off the vine for him, he picked it up and threw it. Guess he figured it was just one of many balls. :) Boys...

Talk about messing up a pair of blue jeans!!! He did some serious rolling in red dirt!!!

Tanner riding the baby bull :)

Tanner loved hanging out with the calf and goats.

Come back!!!

Remember that red dirt???

He LOVED running around in the mini corn maze.

This is his constant gesture. He throws his left hand up all the time. It's like his "what?"

Still hasn't found what he's looking for...

He could have stayed in there for hours.

Just checking out some kids across the way...don't let him fool you...he is soooo nosy.

He has never been this dirty before!

Hey Mommy!

Time to chase Daddy!!!

Looks like he is sneaking up on Daddy here.

I think this was his full out run!

Oh yeah, he was moving!!!
We had the BEST time visiting Denver Downs Farm in Pendleton, SC today. We thought we were just visiting a pumpkin patch, but had no idea there would be so much to do. It is a great place for families to visit. Tanner loved it. He got to ride a cow "train," go on a hayride, see some farm animals, go through a maze and pick his very own pumpkin right out of the patch. He had so much fun running around the fields. And I had so much fun watching him!!! It was well worth the drive out there, for sure.
Hope you enjoy the pictures from our fun day!
Becki :)