He just did not know about that first trip down!

Since I was taking the pictures, Daddy had to brave it up and down the slides! Lucky me!!!

My bestie, Julie, and Tanner.

The birthday boy, Josh. Notice that, even when sliding, Thomas is always at his side. :)

Even Julie climbed up with Tanner so he could slide. Love her.

Now, this literally brought tears to my eyes. This child LOVED this cake. He was not prompted to do this. He loves Thomas so much, he just had to kiss him. Precious. I mean, we barely got him away from it to open presents. It was just too sweet.

He loves that Thomas.

Daddy lap is always the best seat in the house! :)

Ready to open that Thomas tent! Woo Hoo!!!

When Josh got this fish and was asked if he was going to put it in the aquarium that came with it, he replied, "no me not." Not sure where that fish is now!
Tanner enjoyed his first trip to an inflatables fun park during my best friends little boys second birthday party. Joshua had a Thomas themed party. It is quite an understatement to say that he loves Thomas. :) Tanner was sure about all of the slides, but overall, he had a great time!
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